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Hamburger Recycling, Bulgaria

Notification of an investment proposal by "HAMBURGER RECYCLING BULGARIA" EOOD

We inform you that the company "Hamburger Recycling Bulgaria" EOOD has the following investment proposal:

Stay strong Türkiye!

We, as Prinzhorn Group are deeply concerned about the earthquake disaster that shook Türkiye.
Prinzhorn Group, Austria, Recycling, Austria

EFB Certificate 2023

Hamburger Recycling Austria is delighted to announce that out Entsorgungs Fachbetrieb (EFB) certificate by the V.EFB, an association that confers the…
Hamburger Recycling, Bulgaria

Keep Antarctica Clean

Hamburger Recycling Bulgaria in partnership with the Bulgarian Antarctic Institute
Prinzhorn Group, Hamburger Recycling, Hamburger Containerboard, Dunapack Packaging

Prinzhorn Group steps in Italy

Prinzhorn Group, having a strategic long term interest in Italy, has made a proposal to acquire corrugated packaging plant Scatolificio La Veggia…
Prinzhorn Group, Hamburger Recycling

Hamburger Recycling Austria Receives EFB Certificate

Hamburger Recycling Austria is happy to announce that we have received Entsorgungs Fachbetrieb (EFB) certificate, proving our waste management…
Prinzhorn Group, Hamburger Recycling, Hamburger Containerboard, Dunapack Packaging

“Creating tomorrow” – Our first ever FIT event

A premiere as good as it gets
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Changes in Organization Structure 2022

We have the pleasure to announce that Mr. Jadranko Tomašević (Head of Commercial in HR Croatia) has been appointed to the position of General Manager…